Days of Mindfulness: the third Saturdy of the month, at Riverside Church, in room 630-MLK or 19-T, 10-4:30pm.
Day of Mindfulness December 15: 'Holiday Stopping.'
Day of Mindfulness: November 17, 10-4pm. Riverside Church, 19-T
"Let the Buddha Breathe...the emptiness of self" is the theme of our November 17 Day of Mindfulness, 10-4pm, at Riverside Church, room 19-T. We will listen to a talk by Thich Nhat Hanh, from the October retreat at the Blue Cliff Monastery, on this theme. And we will enjoy Sister Chan Khong [on CD] leading us in total relaxation.
Join us for sitting and walking meditation, singing, eating together in mindfulness, the Five Mindfulness Trainings and more.
Bring a vegetarian lunch. Lunch is around 1-2:15. Please do not wear fragrances. Chairs and cushions available.
91 Claremont Avenue is between 120-122nd Street, one block west of Broadway. #1 train to 116th/Broadway, or m104 or m5 buses to 120th/Broadway or 120th Riverside Drive.
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