Deep Listening to the Beautiful One Within
A Day of Mindfulness May 19, 10:00am-4:00pm.
At The Riverside Church, 20-T
Through meditation, songs, deep relaxation, and personal sharing, this retreat explores ways to
love ourselves even more, listen well to our inner child, transform our inherited suffering, and
touch our true nature. Sound good!
The day will be facilitated by John Bell, a Dharma Teacher who has practiced with Thich NhatHanh’s tradition for over 35 years. John guides the Mountain Bell Sangha, near Boston, is on the Care TakingCouncil of the North American Dharma Teachers Sangha, Earth Holder Sangha, and ARISE (the Plum Village initiative on racial equity. In his wide world work, John co-founded YouthBuild in 1978 and, until his recent retirement, guided its development into an integrated program that offers education, construction training, and leadership development to low-income young people in 260 communities across the U.S., and in 80 communities in 21 other countries.
In all his work, he aims to combine three interrelated areas—social justice, emotional healing, and spiritual practice. John's writings on these various topics can also be
found on his website,
Where: The Riverside Church, 91 Claremont Avenue, Room 20-T [120-122nd Street, one block west of Broadway]
When: Saturday May 19, 2018: 10.00-4:30pm [Lunch is around 1:00pm.]
What to Bring: Your own Vegetarian Lunch.
Chairs and Cushions Available.
Please Do Not Wear Fragrances.
RSVP to [One can attend without RSVPing but is is helpful to us if you do.]