Tuesday, December 14, 2021

December 18th Zoom Half Day of Mindfulness

                                             Community of Mindfulness/New York Metro   

Inspired by the Teachings of Thich Nhat Hanh 

and the Plum Village Community of Engaged Buddhism


Belonging to Ourselves and One Another: Practicing Mindful Connection
A Zoom Half-Day of Mindfulness with the Chrysanthemum Sangha, Saturday, October 15, 10AM-1PM EST

In this half Day of Mindfulness hosted by the Chrysanthemum Sangha, we will practice coming home to ourselves and to one another using mindfulness practices that center our relational brain. We will enjoy sitting meditation, sharings, touchings of the earth, and other contemplative, relational, and music infused exercises to strengthen our ground in the interconnected web of the present moment.
The Chrysanthemum Sangha is an LGBTQIA+-centered sangha in the Plum Village Tradition. 
We meet online every Thursday for an LGBTQIA+ safe space practice gathering, and every other Monday with allies to practice all together.
Meeting ID: 861 2500 7104     Passcode: peace
Dial-In: +1 646 558 8656 US (New York)     +1 646 931 3860 US  Passcode for Dial-In: 616923

Sunday, September 12, 2021

Zoom Half-Day of Mindfulness Sept 18: 10:00am-2:00pm

 Being Intimate

Developing closeness with ourselves, each other, and the natural world
A Day of Mindfulness with Dharma Teacher John Bell 

Sept 18, 2021, 10:00am -2:00pm on Zoom

Through meditation, songs, deep relaxation, and personal sharing, this retreat explores ways to become even more intimate—with our feelings, our bodies, our sensual experience, our family and friends, our neighbors, folks from other cultural or racial groups, the natural world, and the ultimate dimension.  

Join Zoom Meeting


Meeting ID: 836 3907 0206      Passcode: peace

Dial in:  +1 646 558 8656 US (New York), Passcode: 572354  [for dialing in]

https://zoom.us/zoomconference  for other Zoom Call in Numbers, Passcode: 572354

  The day will be facilitated by John Bell, a Dharma Teacher who has practiced with the Thich Nhat Hanh/Plum Village Community of Engaged Buddhism for 35 years. John guides the Mountain Bell Sangha, near Boston, and serves on the Caretaking Council of the Plum Village Earth Holder Community,  and formerly on the  North American Dharma Teachers Sangha CTC and the ARISE Core Group (the Plum Village initiative on racial equity). 

    In his wide world work, John co-founded YouthBuild in 1978 and, until his recent retirement, helped guide its development into an integrated program that offers education, construction training, and leadership development to low-income young people in 260 communities across the U.S., and in 100 communities in 15 other countries. In all his work, he aims to combine three interrelated areas—social justice, emotional healing, and spiritual practice. John's writings on these various topics can also be found on his website, www.beginwithin.info.  

Saturday, July 31, 2021

December 2022 Sangha Meetings

December 2022 Sangha Meetings                                                           

  Inspired by the Teachings of Thich Nhat Hanh

 and the Plum Village Community of Engaged Buddhism

Dear Friends,                          

This is the CMNY@CMNYMetro.groups.io email group. Our Zoom and in-person Sangha Meetings for December are listed below.

Take care,

David Flint

You are invited to enter, muted, 5 minutes before starting time to settle in.

Unless otherwise noted

December 2021 Sangha Meetings

A lotus flower in the mud | Deichu no hasu, Japanese for "A … | Flickr


Sundays 10:00-11:30am: Zoom Middle Way/Queens MorningStar Sangha:


Meeting ID: 824 3237 9616   Passcode:  758620 [valid through 12/26/21] 

One tap mobile: 646-558-8656,  https://zoom.us/zoomconference  for other Call in Numbers


Sunday December 12, 26:  In-Person Queens MorningStar Sangha Meeting: 10-Noon [New Address]

 [Zoom Meeting will also happen, as a separate meeting, listed above.]

Meetings are the 2nd and 4th Sunday of the month,  at Walter's home:

35-30 81st street, Jackson Heights, 11372  #1H [Arrive on time between 9:50-10:00am]

          [Covid: if vaccinated, no mask required. If not, then please wear a mask.]

Euphorbia milii (Crown of Thorns)

Sundays: 10-11:30am: Green Island Sangha

 [pre-Covid met in Syosset, NY]:


Meeting ID: 863 1190 9843  Passcode: 910499 , Dial in: 1 929 205 6099 

Free photo Stone Rock Blossom Flower Nature Wall Plant - Max Pixel

Sundays: 6:30-8:30pm, Rock Blossom Sangha. Enter beginning 6:15pm

[pre-Covid met in Brooklyn Church of Gethsemane]


Meeting ID: 899 1756 9015     Passcode: 241354

                   One tap mobile: 646-558-8656,  https://zoom.us/zoomconference  for other Zoom Call in Numbers 

              Free Images : beach, water, rock, texture, cobblestone, stone, stream,  model, color, pebble, soil, material, colors, rubble, gravel, pebbles,  boulder, the background, the stones, the coast, the baltic sea 5152x3864 - -

            Stonybrook Sangha: Mornings Monday through Friday: 7:30-8:00am


                Meeting ID: 154 822 492 Passcode: 074791,  One tap mobile: 646-558-8656,     https://zoom.us/zoomconference  for other Zoom Call in Numbers

Grower Direct - Flower Varieties - Chrysanthemums

Monday December 6 and 13 : Chrysanthemum Sangha’s 1rst and 3rd Monday LGBTQIA+ and allies gathering: 8:00-9:30pm

 https://us02web.zoom.us/j/87649209787?pwd=OGJGRGhqTHRaUXJUS083UmZrVHlCQT09  [new link]

   Meeting ID: 876 4920 9787     Password:  peace    

Dial-in:  +1 929 205 6099 US (New York), Passcode: 622089[for dial-in]

Find your local number: https://us02web.zoom.us/u/kdL59ikmuy



On "Ingagement" - A Dharma Talk — Thich Nhat Hanh Foundation

Tuesdays Riverside Sangha: 7:00-9:00 pm 

[Pre-Covid met at Riverside Church, Manhattan]

Zoom Sangha Link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/88619055393?pwd=djRKRFV5aWdPV0g0SFNHQ1BrM01YQT09 [valid through 12/28/21]

Meeting ID: 886 1905 5393  Passcode: 959151    One tap mobile: 646-558-8656, https://zoom.us/zoomconference  for other Zoom Call in Numbers

Why Are Giant Bouquets Popping Up in New York's Trash Cans? | BizBash

Thursdays:  St Mark's Sangha: 8:00am-9:30 am  

[Pre-Covid: met at St. Mark's Church Manhattan]


Meeting ID: 821 6083 9379   Passcode: 505070  [Link valid through 12/30/21]

One tap mobile: 646-558-8656    https://zoom.us/zoomconference  for other Zoom Call in numbers


 Stone Blossom Bloom - Free photo on Pixabay

Thursdays 6:30-8:30pm:  Rock Blossom Sangha: [Enter beginning 6:15pm]


Meeting ID: 899 1756 9015  Passcode: 241354

One tap mobile: 646-558-8656,  https://zoom.us/zoomconference for other Zoom Call in Numbers 

Pin on The Beauty of Flowers     

 Thursdays 8:00-10:00pm: Chrysanthemum Sangha

an LQGBTIA+ Sangha in the Plum Village tradition!

Open to all practitioners who identify as LGBTQIA+

For more info, you can join our Facebook group here:


https://us02web.zoom.us/j/87649209787?pwd=OGJGRGhqTHRaUXJUS083UmZrVHlCQT09  [new link]

   Meeting ID: 876 4920 9787     Password:  peace    

Dial-in:  +1 929 205 6099 US (New York), Passcode: 622089[for dial-in]

Find your local number: https://us02web.zoom.us/u/kdL59ikmuy



Breathe you are online – Làng Mai

Fridays: Zoom Wake Up New York. 8:00pm-10:00pm. 

 [pre-covid met at Still Mind Zendo, Manhattan]

[Wake Up is a 'Young Adult' Sangha-age range 18-35]  


Meeting ID: 778749815    Passcode: breathe  

WUNY Dharma Hall

This is a 24/7 virtual Dharma hall that WUNY members may use at any time.  Join anytime and see who else is online, or invite others to sit with you on Zoom outside of the Friday night practice.

Meeting ID: 747 524 725            Passcode: wakeup

[Subscribe to the Wake Up email list [below] as some meetings are now happening outdoors and are announced each week.]


A Beautiful Way to Catch Runoff: How to Build a Dry Stream -

Saturdays 9-10:30am: Stony Brook Sangha

 [pre-Covid met in Stony Brook, NY] https://us02web.zoom.us/j/683720024?pwd=ZXM2dU1mTFFSdlcvNVQ3bnZXUi9EQT09

       Meeting ID: 683 720 024       Passcode: 051883    One tap mobile: 646-558-8656,  https://zoom.us/zoomconference  Zoom Call in #s

Saturday December 18: Zoom Half Day of Mindfulness



Meeting ID: 899 9960 3075   Passcode: peace

One tap mobile: 646-558-8656,  https://zoom.us/zoomconference for other Zoom Call in Numbers; pascode for Dial-in: 060364


https://thichnhathanhfoundation.org/  [Donations to support our Monastic Communities may be made here.]

Subscribe to the Mindfulness Bell: https://www.mindfulnessbell.org/subscribe  [Supporting Practitioners and Communities in the Plum Village Tradition.]

https://www.bluecliffmonastery.org/    [Monastery in Pine Bush, NY]



Sangha Email Groups:  The CMNY group is the 'Parent' group that all of us belong to. The individual Sangha email groups, such as Riverside and Rock Blossom Sanghas, post events and information specific to those Sangha Meetings. To subscribe to Individual Sangha Email Groups see list below.

CMNY+subscribe@CMNYMetro.groups.io  [This is the 'Parent' Email Group that all are subscribed to.]

DharmaTalkVideos+subscribe@CMNYMetro.groups.io  [For those interested in viewing Dharma Talks by Thay or other senior practitioners and then having a zoom Dharma Sharing .]






WakeUpNewYork+subscribe@CMNYMetro.groups.io  [Young Adult Sangha]

Saturday, July 10, 2021

Saturday July 17 Zoom Half-Day of Mindfulness

 Resting Joyfully in the Ultimate Dimension

A Zoom Half-Day of MIndfulness

With David Flint

Saturday July 17, 10:00am-1:30pm. Enter beginning at 9:55am


Image result for “When sunlight shines                                               It helps all vegetation grow When mindfulness shines It transforms all mental formationsImage result for Thay walking joyfully Image result for go as a river thich nhat hanh

In our time together, we share the Practices of Sitting and Walking Meditation, Total Relaxation, Dharma Sharing, and more:

all grounded in mindful breathing and noble silence.

“No one who has ever touched liberation could possibly want anything other than liberation for everyone.” 


Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 899 5839 3572  Passcode: peace

One tap mobile: 646-558-8656, https://zoom.us/zoomconference  for other Zoom Call in Numbers, dial-in passcode: 270231, meeting ID: 89958393572


Walking joyfully in the Ultimate Dimension,

Walk with your feet,

not with your head.

If you walk with your head you’ll get lost.

Teaching the Dharma in the Ultimate Dimension,

Falling leaves fill the sky.

The path is covered in Autumn Moonlight.

The Dharma is abundant in all Directions.

Discussing Dharma in the Ultimate Dimension,

We look at each other and smile.

You are me, don’t you see?

Speaking and listening are one.

Enjoying lunch in the historical dimension,

I feed all generations of ancestors

And all future generations.

Together, we will find our way.

Getting angry in the historical dimension,

We close our eyes and look deeply.

Where will we be in 300 years?

We open our eyes and hug.

Resting in the Ultimate Dimension,

Using snowy mountains as a pillow

And beautiful pink clouds as blankets.

Nothing is lacking.

Meditating in the Ultimate Dimension,

Sharing Prabhutaranta’s Lion Seat,

Every moment is a realization,

Every fruit is ripe and delicious.

[Cultivating the Mind of Love, Kindle Location 887; end of Chapter 14.]



Related Teachings for Contemplation

“the effect of meditation is the fire under a pot, the sun’s rays on the snow, and the hen’s warmth on her eggs….there is no attempt at reasoning or analysis, just patient and continuous concentration [allowing truth to reveal itself.]” With our patient and continuous practice we will “follow our breathing and meditate on the beginningless and endless nature of ourselves and the world.” [From The Sun, My Heart]”


“Ræhula, develop meditation that is like space; for when

you develop meditation that is like space, arisen agreeable and

disagreeable contacts will not invade your mind and remain. Just

as space is not established anywhere, so too, Ræhula, develop

meditation that is like space for when you develop meditation

that is like space, arisen agreeable and disagreeable contacts will

not invade your mind and remain.”

~ M 62.17, (Bhikkhu Bodhi & Bhikkhu Ñæ1⁄4amoli trans.)


When we see there is already a precious jewel in our pocket,

We give up every attitude of craving or coveting…..

Seeing that we are the sun, we give up the candle’s habit of fearing the wind.

Seeing that life has no boundaries, we give up all imprisoning divisions.”

[Breathe! You are Alive, 3rd edition, Kindle location 841]


“The present moment 

Contains past and future. 

The secret of transformation 

Is in the way we handle this very moment. 


Transformation takes place 

In our daily life. 

To make the work of transformation easy, 

Practice with a Sangha 


Nothing is born, nothing dies. 

Nothing to hold onto, nothing to release. 

Samsara is nirvana. 

There is nothing to attain.

  [From the “Path of Practice” verses, in Transformation at the Base]


The sun has entered me.

The sun has entered me together with the cloud and the river.

I myself have entered the river, and I have entered the sun with the cloud and the river.

There has not been a moment

when we do not interpenetrate.

But before the sun entered me,

the sun was in me —also the cloud and the river.

Before I entered the river,

I was already in it.

There has not been a moment

when we have not inter-been.

Therefore you know

that as long as you continue to breathe,

I continue to be in you.

[Interbeing, in Call Me By My True Names]

Where water, earth, fire, and wind have no footing:
There the stars do not shine,
the sun is not visible,
the moon does not appear,
darkness is not found.
And when a sage,
a brahman through sagacity,
has known [this] for himself,
then from form and formless,
from bliss and pain,
  he is freed

[Excerpt from ‘Bahiya Sutta,’  www.accesstoinsight.org

"In the historical dimension, every dharma is a conditioned dharma. In the ultimate dimension, every dharma is an unconditioned dharma."  "If we are skillful we can touch Nirvana with our insight into interdependent co-arising, impermanence and non-self.  We see that Nirvana lies right here in the present moment: in the table, the chair, the mountain, the cloud and each cell of our body."

Like the path of birds in the sky

It is hard to trace the Path of those who do not hoard

Who are judicious with their food

And whose field is the freedom of emptiness and signlessness

Like the path of birds in the Sky

It is hard to trace the Path

Of those who have destroyed their toxins,

Are unattached to food

And whose field is the freedom

Of emptiness and signlessness”

[From Dhammapada, Gil Fronsdal]

Unborn and indestructible, 

Beyond time and space, 

Beyond time and space

I am my mother, I am my father, 

I am my teachers, I am my friends, 

I am one and yet I am many, 

I am none, I am all, no beginning, no end. 

Unborn and indestructible,

Unborn and indestructible, 

Beyond time and space, 

Beyond time and space

This body is not me, 

These perceptions are not me, 

And I am not limited by this body, 

I am one with all life, I have always been free.