Saturday, June 27, 2015

Day of Mindfulness July 18 at Riverside Church: Spiritual Friendship

Spiritual Friendship

A Day of Mindfulness, July 18, 10-4:30pm
At Riverside Church, 20-T

The theme of Our Day of Mindfulness will be "Spiritual Friendship, and will be led Tom Duva and Mike Geres. Tom and Mike have been practicing in Sangha together for about 17 years.

During our Days we practice Sitting and Walking Meditation, Mindful Movements, Mindful Eathing, Dharma Sharing: all grounded in breath awareness.

Lunch: around 1-2pm.  Bring your own vegetarian lunch.

Chairs and cushions available.

Please do not wear fragrances.

At Riverside Church, 91 Claremont Avenue, 20-T, 10-4:30.  Come for all or part of the Day.

Contact Marjorie, at or