Tuesday, September 25, 2018

Day of Mindfulness October 20, 2018 at Riverside Church

Community of Mindfulness New York Metro
Inspired by the Teaching and Practice of Thich Nhat Hanh
Invites you to a Day of Mindfulness:

Nourishing Happiness and Transforming our Deepest Fears

With Dennis Bohn

“In Buddhist texts, consciousness is said to be a field, a plot of land in which every kind of seed has been planted – seeds of suffering, happiness, joy, sorrow, fear, anger, and hope. The quality of our life depends on which of these seeds we water. The practice of mindfulness is to recognize each seed as it sprouts and to water the most wholesome seeds whenever possible."

In the morning we’ll focus on nourishing joy and happiness. In the afternoon we’ll maintain the energy we have cultivated and then touch the transformation of our deepest fears. Of course, we’ll be nourishing mindfulness throughout the day.

Deep relaxation is an especially important practice in our busy and chaotic lives. We invite you to bring whatever covering, blankets or props that will be useful for your full enjoyment of the practice of deep relaxation. [Which is done lying down. The room has a carpeted floor.]

You are encouraged to bring a vegetarian lunch so that you can enjoy the nourishment of being with sangha for the full day.

Chairs and cushions available.
Please do not wear fragrances.
Date/Time: Saturday October 20th, 10:00am-4:30pm. Full Day recommended, but not required.
At The Riverside Church, 91 Claremont Avenue, between 120-122nd Street, one block west of Broadway.
Lunch: beginning between 12.30-1pm.  Bring your own vegetarian lunch.