Monday, July 5, 2010

Day of Mindfulness July 17, 2010

Day of Mindfulness July 17, 10-4:30pm, at Riverside Church, room 8-T

Cultivating a spirit of "aimlessness*" in our practice will be the theme of this Day, facilitated by Walter and Tasha of the Morningstar Sangha [Queens].** The Day includes sitting and walking meditation, eating together in mindfulness, readings, Dharma Sharing practice, singing and more-all rooted in the practice of awareness of breathing. Everyone is welcome to attend.

Lunch is around 1-2:15: bring your own vegetarian food. Cushions and chairs available. Please do not wear fragrances.

*For more on aimlessness see: Chapter 19 in The Heart of the Buddha's Teachings; Chapter 9 in Cultivating the Mind of Love and Nothing to Do, Nowhere to Go.

At Riverside Church, 91 Claremont Avenue, one block west of Broadway, between 120-122nd St.